Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Day 3, Part I: V's Surprise

It's getting late, but I need to leave you with some suspense.

Knowing we wanted to adopt R and V, we went to the Director's office on Monday morning. Today, Colin and Claire were supposed to meet the Director and get approval to meet the boys. We had not yet told Colin and Claire (or Natasha) of our decision. The inspector and his assistant were there. The Director was concerned about some of our questions from the previous day (word travels fast) about size, but went over health and academic questions. We tried to assure her these were not concerns, but were information we needed to know.

Suddenly, the boys were ushered in. The Director said a lot. I picked up about 3 or 4 words and figured out she was asking R if he wanted to come to live with us in America. "Da". More questions. Each time, an emphatic "Da".

She asked the same questions to V. "Nyet". More questions. "Nyet". More that seemed to be "Why?". Silence.

Without knowing fully what had been said, it was clear that V had turned us down. It sounded to me like the way a little kid (2 or 3 year old) will say "No" to every question. "Do you like ice cream?" "No".

But even if that is the case, it is enough to throw up a road block. The law requires that the boys must agree to be adopted. That's the way it should be of course. But we were definitely taken aback. Unless he was just playing around, we think it is because we disciplined him the day before. The inspector suggested we hold off on that. The Director said we should take a day and the reconvene.

More of Day 3 later, but it is 1am. Besides, everyone likes a good cliff-hanger


NCMeekins said...

Nyet, we don't. We appreciate the cliff hanger but we like a happy ending.

Stewart's Carol is ok, but give me Michael Caine and the Muppets.

Been watching the Lifetime movie network - just wanted you to know you aren't the only old softy. I had three good cries before anyone else even woke up Tuesday morning. It was Little House on the Prairie - gift of the Maggie episode (Laura gives up pony for a stove for her mother - Pa makes her a saddle for the pony). I blubbered all the way.

Godspeed toward that happy ending.


Anonymous said...

Enough is enough. Enough could be too much. My fingers are tired haning on to this cliff. I know you must be rushed and tired, but let's get on with it. I think that branch I'm holding to is about to break. Give me a hand or shoot up here "amongst" us. PULLLEEEESE!