Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Exactly one month since we left

It is 12:35am on 1/15, which is 5:35pm on 1/14. That is exactly one month since our flight left Charlotte.

It has been an exciting, boring, busy, frustrating, eye-opening, happy, worrying, hopeful, prayerful, and altogether wonderful month. We have our boys. They are already showing great love and affection as well as challenging us and throwing tantrums.

In other words, they are boys.


Anonymous said...

For all the extra problems you ran in to, it is clear that Natasha really did her job in helping you grease the ways, getting this new family launched. A service above and beyond the call of duty. Bravo!!

As for Ruslain and Valik showing no tears on leaving the orphanage, they have no time for that. They are looking ahead. This is a great adventure for them. One they might never have known. Thank God they have escaped what would have been their lives if they had stayed. This MAY be a sexist remark; Girls often look back with tears for the past, Boys can hardly wait for what's ahead.

Challenges, Tantrums, Love? Hey, you bought the ticket, Enjoy the ride.

Anonymous said...

So glad it is all over. Or is it just beginning??
Hurry home! We are leaving Thursday to go to the International Auto Show in Detroit. Henry went last year, I'm going too, this time. It will be C O L D !!!