Sunday, January 11, 2009

Orthodox Christmas and a day to relax

Wednesday, 01/07 was Orthodox Christmas. The orphanage was closed for business that iday (o.e., no visitors) so we stayed home. Originally we intended to go to an Orthodox service, but quite honestly, we just vegged out that day. We also were still trying to warm up from our walk home in sub-zero weather the night before. We watched lots of "24" (wrapped up Season 4) and "Mystery Science Theater 3000". We also saw bits of various kids movies in Russian, like "Ratatouille". And for a real treat saw "Blue Lagoon". You know Brooke Shields seems a lot more intelligent in that movie when you can't understand what she says. Not much else to say.

(Hi, Nancy here, and I'd just like to state for the record that I turned off Blue Lagoon as the two young teens awakened to their sexuality! I know it is a best selling book and all but Hollywood over glamorizes this stuff and I turn it off.)

On Thursday, 01/08, I stayed home as I was sick. Not real bad off, but enough that I was worried I would get worse. Just a simple head cold. Got over it soon enough. I spent the day trying to format pictures and post on the blog. Got to catch up soon....

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